Blogging on all things relating to software development. Hopefully, buzzword-free blogging.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
New features in Spring MVC 3.0
This webcast gives an overview the new features in Spring MVC 3.0. The data binding and validation has been improved dramatically. This talk is useful if you are using version 2.5 and also want a sense of good practices to follow.
I am a software developer with about 6 years of experience in various roles such as a university researcher, independent consultant, and enterprise developer.
My criteria for good software code can be reduced to a single axiom: Good code is easily testable code. This is based on my belief that software code are ultimately theories of how a business process should work. And it is well-accepted in the scientific community that good theories are testable theories. So, good code is testable code.
I hate the word "enterprise" even though I use it quite a bit.
This blog is written for the sole purpose of shameless self-promotion. :)
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